interviewing children

For as long as my own children have been able to speak, I have seen the value of preserving some of the words that come out of their mouths. When we look back at those things they've said, we remember. And we smile. And sometimes we laugh.

If you're not already doing it, I strongly encourage you to do a casual "interview" with each child on a regular basis -- not only for the purpose of bonding and learning things you may not have known, but also for the purpose of preserving snippets of their life. Their answers are insights to their world and their story. And they will certainly love looking back at their answers in the coming years. So will their future spouse / children / posterity! Plus -- we all know kids can change their mind month-by-month, week-by-week, minute-by-minute. Capture who they are right now!

We've whipped up an interview form that you can use with your kids, no matter their age. In fact, I encourage you to use it over and over again! When you take the time to do this, you'll find that some of their answers may surprise you, and how great would it be to compare their answers from year to year? This download is FREE. So how do you get it? If you're signed up for our emails, you'll be seeing this from us in your inbox today. Not getting our emails? No problem. It takes about 8 seconds to sign up right here, and then we'll email the PDF right over to you.

This video brings to life some of the interview questions. We recently invited the offspring of the BH team members to sit down with me for a little Q&A. While we're pretty biased about their awesomeness, we think you'll enjoy it, too! Our hope is that you're inspired to conduct an interview with your favorite kiddo(s) soon!
