good life with candice meyer

Part of cultivating a good life is learning how to manage your mind and deliberately focus on the good.

I love this time of year in the Midwest. The temperatures are slowly inching toward 60 degrees, spring bulbs are beginning to surface, and the days are gradually getting longer. In this season of growth and promise of new beginnings, I find myself wanting to declutter and clean. It almost feels as though Mother Nature is gently cheering us on to throw open the windows, let the light in, and make purposeful decisions on what fills our home. Is it needed? Does it bring me joy? Is it a distraction? ...when’s the last time I cleaned THAT?!

What I’m beginning to realize is that we need to apply that same process to our minds all year round. The good news? We get to decide what to think and where to place our attention. Are we focused on the gifts of the present moment? What meaning are we assigning to what happened 30 seconds ago? ...30 years ago?

I started paying attention and was surprised by how many negative thoughts I was actively or passively allowing to shape my reality: small criticisms about my postpartum body when I first looked in the mirror at the beginning of the day, endless worries stemming from my role as a mother, and even more thoughts about time scarcity and completing all the tasks on my to-do list.

In the not too distant past, I had a little one who absolutely refused to nap. I would often go on a drive so he could get a quick snooze in the car. My love of podcasts (and coffee!) was born in this season of little sleep and long drives. In the process, I found Brooke Castillo and absolutely devoured her teachings from The Life Coach School. She challenged my notions of what overwhelm is, redefined the power of the past, and encouraged me to deliberately plan for success by managing my mind. I find myself asking on a constant basis "what am I making this mean?" Am I focusing on thoughts that serve me or pull me down?

I love scrapbooking because it requires active reflection on what matters most. Documenting my family’s daily adventures literally pulls me into the present moment, redirects my thoughts, and helps me see through the lens of appreciation. One of my most recent pictures captured my son’s tiny hand holding onto his favorite book. In my mind, I can hear him bellowing out “truck!” with glee as he opens the cover. A photo of my daughter’s sweet smile as she cradles her favorite stuffed animal reminds me of her kind heart. The simple act of documenting brings these moments to the forefront as opposed to the frustrations, messes, and temper tantrums that accompany life with little ones.

As spring arrives and the season of decluttering commences, I invite you to also take stock of what’s running through your mind. I know I will be! Are we cultivating joy, self-care, and abundance on a daily basis with our thoughts? ...even when life throws an inevitable curve-ball? When thoughts that don’t serve us start accumulating, we can deliberately choose to sweep them out-- just like all the dust that’s accumulated over the winter months. Here’s to spring cleaning and deliberately focusing on the threads of joy and grace found in everyday moments!

Candice is a part of our Creative Team using the Project Life App. Candice currently resides in St. Louis and her family consists of her husband of 8 years and their two children — a 5-year-old little girl and a 20-month-old son.

Connect with Candice :: Instagram

Good Life