good life with ellinor svensen


Part of cultivating a good life is to stop, think, and remember what really matters.

When I was diagnosed with lupus at age 19, I was in and out of the hospital for years. I really didn't think that I would ever have a normal family life with a husband and kids. But somehow I got better over the years and met my husband. After a while we got a baby and then we got another.

Given my history, I always thought I would be one of those who didn't take my life for granted. But nursing a feverish baby 1-2 times an hour for a few days (and long nights!) or when your toddler throws a tantrum in public makes you think why did I even have kids in the first place?! For those times, I try to stop, think, and remember that this is the only time they will ever be totally dependent on me, the only time I am their superhero, and the one they will run to when they are hurt.

It is often in the evening when the kids are in bed and I get to have "me time" with my photos and scrapbooking, I remember that even through the hectic baby/toddler period, I am lucky to have my family and try to cherish the small moments of every day. These days I am on maternity leave (we get almost one year of paid leave in Norway -- I know, we're lucky!), and the small moments for me each day are when my baby smiles at me when he wakes up in the morning, my toddler being over-excited to see me when I pick him up from day care, and the joy of seeing them starting to interact with each other.

What are your "small moments" of every day?

Ellinor is a part of the Creative Team using the Physical product. Ellinor lives in Norway and her family consists of her husband and their two sons: Fredrik (toddler) and Jonas (baby).

Connect with Ellinor :: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest

Good Life