good life with kelly henson


Part of cultivating a good life is taking your own advice.

One of the best things about being a teacher is helping little bundles of fun and energy realize their potential. This desire to guide and support has only intensified now that I’m also a parent. In fact, it seems that along with the birth of my first child, came the license to dispense pearls of wisdom and dole out copious amounts of advice. Nagging? No! Guiding.

Here’s the thing, though: I may give out some great advice, but I don’t always follow it.

I’ll happily spend hours finding recipes and preparing deliciously healthy meals for my girls. When my eldest indulges in a special treat, I remind her that it’s a “sometimes” food and that fruit and veggies help her to do her best growing. All the while, I’m hoeing into my secret stash of chocolate covered EVERYTHING anytime I’m hungry/bored/stressed/happy/breathing.

When my daughter refuses to go to bed, I explain she needs to rest her mind and body so she can play and learn the next day. Fast-forward five hours and I’m burning the midnight oil, folding the washing, cleaning the kitchen and Facebooking, completing other crucial household tasks, rather than getting some much-needed zzz’s.

This is behavior I would never allow from my children, so I’ve had to ask myself why I don’t “practice what I preach.” Is it a misguided attempt at “me time?” Am I giving so much of my love and attention to these tiny humans that I don’t have any left for myself? Or am I gaining so much from caring for my kids that I’ve decided that that’s enough?

Regardless of the reason, patterns of behavior aren’t so easily changed and bad habits aren’t so simply broken. I’m (clearly) no psychologist, but I’m fairly certain that the best way to positively influence my children would be to set a good example. I want them to feel inspired and encouraged, and to go out into the world feeling capable and confident. Everything I say is to benefit them, but what about everything I do?

So this is what I’m pledging to do: I’m embarking on a 12-week challenge at my local gym to overhaul both my mind and body, hopefully resetting some thought processes and creating some new, more constructive habits. Perhaps I could have settled for bypassing the confectionery aisle and going to bed at 10:30 each night this week, but I recognize that real change will take real effort.

To be a great mom and teacher, I need to be happy and healthy. It’s time to make some positive changes. Really, I should be a priority in my own life! I want the very best for my loved ones, and maybe it’s time to want it for myself too. Surely we are all worthy of living our best lives.

Kelly Henson is a part of our Creative Team using the Digital Product. Kelly resides in a southeastern suburb of Melbourne, Australia. Her family consists of her fiancé Phil, toddler Sienna, baby Isabella, and cat Charlie.

Connect with Kelly :: Instagram

Good Life