podcast show notes | episode 008 | get a head start on the holidays

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff. Also, these notes show up in the order that they came up during the show.

episode description

We’re sharing the secret sauce to HOW you can have the best holiday season ever! Through lots of examples and stories about our own mistakes AND wins, this tip-packed episode will leave you so motivated to be more intentional about how you approach a season that oftentimes brings on feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. It doesn’t have to be that way, friends. We’ve got your back.We invite you to be a part of this incredible community by following us on Instagram — @CultivateAGoodLife. Oh, and pretty please leave us a review on iTunes; it would mean the WORLD to us! Plus, we randomly pick listeners who do leave reviews, to win awesome stuff.

Link to this episode on iTunes: Episode 008

Frank & Buck


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show notes

These are the main points we covered in the show. Keep in mind that all of these are expanded upon in the episode. This is just a refresher to remind you because there were so many tips covered.

Example goals + how to achieve them

Goal #1: Simplify and avoid overcommitment.

How? Are there some things you can say no to?

Goal #2: Be more involved during the holidays; participate more.

How: Say yes more. Get more involved in the things that are important to you.

Goal #3: Be more intentional with traditions.

How: Proactively think about it ahead of time and plan accordingly.

Goal #4: Have more focus on what Christmas is all about; have a more Christ-centered season.

How: Read from the Bible about Jesus’ birth. Read a scripture about Jesus each day.


Pictured: Some of Becky Proudfit's extended family re-enacting the Nativity and the story of the Savior's birth.

Goal #5: Not feel so stressed and overburdened.

How: Begin with the end in mind. Set a goal, then identify what you can change along the way. Get proper rest!

Goal #6: Spend less money.

How: Create a budget, break it down, stick to it.

Goal #7: Not put on 10 pounds and not feel yucky.

How: Be more aware of what you are eating; enjoy the treats but in moderation.

Goal#8: Be more organized and on top of things.

How:Schedule ahead of time, plan ahead, make a list.

Goal #9: Soak in as much family time as possible.

How:Don’t be in freak-out mode. Be present. Enjoy the time together.


Pictured: The Proudfit family ... with their family at Christmas time.

Five Keys to Success:

1. Be realistic.

2. Be nostalgic.

3. Be open and counsel with your family.

4. Be thoughtful and specific.

5. Be flexible.

Links to websites mentioned in this Episode

O.U.R. Fun Run event coming up on December 8, 2018, in Peoria, AZ. You can participate virtually, too. Use the code BECKY for $10 off 5k and VIRTUALBECKY for $5 off the virtual run! 100% of the money goes to Operation Underground Railroad.

Light the World

Links to our Instagram accounts:


@Becky HigginsLLC


Email us. We'd love your feedback! podcast@beckyhiggins.com.

Spread the word! We would be so grateful if you shared about our podcast with your friends. Post on social media, text a buddy, whatever floats your boat. And leaving a review on iTunes would just make you our favorite.

Upcoming LIVE events where you can find us! Everyone's invited!

  1. Nov. 9-10 is the Pinners Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. We'll have a booth there for selling merchandise and visiting with anyone that comes by, and I'll also be teaching a couple classes.

  2. Nov. 27 from 2-7 pm is our BH Favorite Things Fall Boutique at our headquarters in Peoria, AZ.

Podcast Show Notes