podcast show notes | episode 009 | connecting through traditions

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff. Also, these notes show up in the order that they came up during the show.

episode description

Traditions MATTER and in this episode, we’re talking about WHY traditions are increasingly important, WHAT we should be celebrating, and HOW to establish and honor traditions, whether they are generations deep or brand-new ideas for you and your family. We scratch the surface on sharing some ideas just enough that by the end of the episode your wheels will be spinning in the very best way! Oh, and this isn’t all about holiday-specific traditions either. Be prepared to be inspired.We invite you to be a part of this incredible community by following us on Instagram — @CultivateAGoodLife. Oh, and pretty please leave us a review on iTunes; it would mean the WORLD to us! Plus, we randomly pick listeners who do leave reviews, to win awesome stuff.Link to this episode on iTunes: Episode 009



We are so grateful for this episode's sponsor -- MyHeritage.com!

MyHeritage.com is the most global genealogy website, translated to 42 languages, with 98 million users worldwide. Other than having advanced family tree building tools and sophisticated matching technologies, it also has 9.3 billion historical records from all over the world. The magic happens when you start building your family tree, and after adding enough people and information to your tree, you start getting tons of discoveries which are a result of matching the people and information on your family tree with the huge MyHeritage database of people and records.

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Visit their website: MyHeritage.com

show notes

These are the main points we covered in the show. Keep in mind that all of these are expanded upon in the episode. This is just a refresher to remind you because there were so many tips covered.

Traditions aren't necessarily just within a family.

"I hope that we always celebrate with a purpose. I pray that we will make our celebrations more meaningful by reaffirming spiritual, political, cultural, and social values." (L. Tom Perry)

Traditions ground us, center us, and bring us joy.

"While raising our children, we establish traditions within our home and we build patterns of communication and behavior within our family relationships. In doing so the traditions we establish should engrain strong unwavering characteristics of goodness in our children that will infuse them with strength to confront the challenges of life."  (Stephen R. Bangerter) 


1 - Ancestor Day. Honor the past + keep family stories alive.

2 - Valentine's Day. Emphasis on family night complete with heart pizza, strawberry milk, PJ party, heart attacks.

3 - Anniversary. Birthday party for your family! Share all about how your family began.

4 - Christmas Traditions. Remember Becky Proudfit's story about the Elf on the shelf? Pictured Above - ABOVE: Becky Proudfit's visual evidence of the unfortunate incident with her family's Elf on the Shelf.


5 - Non-commercial tradition. Family night with Christmas pajamas ... secret service elf ... doing things for each other and leaving a service card. This has everyone looking for ways to serve each other all month long. Click on the link to download and print these cards! Secret Service Elf

6 - Mother’s Day. Pack a picnic and go on a hike! BP's dream-come-true for Mother's Day.Pictured above - ABOVE: Becky P. and her family on a Mother's Day Hike.


7 - 16th Birthday. Take each child on a trip to a special destination of their choice. Establish patterns with your kids that include one-on-one time.

8 - Egg Day. Shared by podcast listener Maria.

9 - Mt. Laundry / Mt. Washmore. Create fun laundry "patterns."

10 - Singing to kids at night before bed.

11 - Don’t go a day without hugging each kid.

12 - Music on Sundays. Helps to set the day apart. Examples: Michael Dowdle, Brian Daw, Hilary Weeks, Piano Guys, etc.

13 - Every Sunday driving home from church. Invite everyone to share something they learned or felt.


1 - Ask your kids which / what kind of traditions are important to them.

2 - Try to incorporate service in your traditions.

3. Pick the traditions as a family and be consistent.

“Don’t get too overwhelmed by trying to do all the traditions.”

Links to websites mentioned in this Episode

Hank Smith: Unshaken: Building a Rock Solid Testimony

Links to our Instagram accounts:


@Becky HigginsLLC


Email us. We'd love your feedback! podcast@beckyhiggins.com.

Spread the word! We would be so grateful if you shared about our podcast with your friends. Post on social media, text a buddy, whatever floats your boat. And leaving a review on iTunes would just make you our favorite.

Upcoming LIVE event where you can find us! Everyone's invited!

Nov. 27 from 2-7 pm is our BH Favorite Things Fall Boutique at our headquarters in Peoria, AZ.

Podcast Show Notes