podcast show notes | episode 026 | documenting your travel

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

You know we love to travel, but how do we document all of our travels so we can enjoy and remember them for years to come? Episode 026 shares how we do it! We debunk the myth that documenting a trip takes away from the experience and we share all sorts of simple ideas of how to document your travels in an easy, memorable way.

BH Classroom

Episode 026 is sponsored by the BH Classroom.  


Visit the BH Classroom to sign up for the classes and be sure to enter BECKY25 for 25% off the class "Making a Personal or Family Yearbook" and to receive the FREE mini course that covers everything you need to know about getting started on your yearbook "LATE" and how to get completely caught up to present -- quickly + easily!

show notes

My experience is enhanced when I am documenting the experience.

Listen to episode 025 all about how & why we travel here.

Don't let taking pictures interfere with the experience by being too snap-happy.

Document the experience, don't experience the documenting.

Before the trip, think about your goal in terms of documenting.

Consider doing the "daily dozen" -- keep 12 pictures from each day on your trip.

Be open to inspiration you feel about documenting while you are on the vacation. Look for a certain shape during your vacation like the circles BH and her family did on a trip to Europe. Look for a certain element that stands out to you like the doors BH saw in Estonia. Focus more on video taking than picture taking. So many options!


Find out more about BH's class "Photo Tips + Workflow" here.

Find out more about BH's "Making a Personal or Family Yearbook" class here.

Don't overthink things!

Notice details that speak to you of the places you are visiting: textures, colors, etc.

Get close shots and far shots.Hand your phone over and let people take pictures of you.

Be in the pictures and take more candid pictures.

Get locals in the videos / pictures. Just be courteous, follow any rule ... and just ask!

Share photos with your travel companions with iCloud photo sharing. BH shares in detail how to do this in her Photo Tips + Workflow class.

Check out BH's Instagram story highlights ("Travel" and "Travel Book") to see more travel trips and photos.

Turn on the location setting when you take pictures so they are in the metadata of the photo.

Jot down details in a small notebook or in your phone so you don't forget.

Consider making a coffee table book about one or many of your travels. Include major details (who went, cities visited, dates), but don't worry about including any other journaling.

Allow yourself to change and evolve with how you document.




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Podcast Show Notes