podcast show notes | episode 025 | how & why we travel

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

Both of us LOVE to travel and in this episode we talk about why we travel and how we make it work with our husbands and families. We share our secrets of how to get good deals and save money, allowing you to go places on your bucket list and cultivate adventure and experiences that truly bless your life. We also share about traveling with others and packing tips! Episode 026 is all about documenting your travels so watch for that!

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Episode 025 is sponsored by Ryla Pack. They are the company behind our very favorite backpack of all time. Designed as a diaper bag, we both use this backpack as our go-to bag for any purpose! Insulated pockets, a tablet pocket, and zippered pockets keep all your belongings organized and secure. Durable and sturdy, wipeable and water resistant, this leather backpack is going to be your new favorite! 


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show notes

Set aside money, so when deals become available, you’ll be able to act on it and go!

When you travel with others, make use of each person’s skills and talents and give everyone a role (research, logistics, photographer, etc.).

Three things to remember about traveling:

1. Time away is important, especially time without your kids.

I have to love my marriage more than I love my kids.

Here’s a link to episode 024 “Date Your Spouse” that we referred to.

Use trusted family, friends, young college students, or young married couples to watch your kids while you are gone.

2. Be open to having new experiences and going to new places.

3. Think about the kind of vacation you want to have. Is it to relax? To see every touristy thing you possibly can? To connect with your husband? To connect with your friends?

Think of your “why” behind your travel.

Here’s a link to the blog post of our Iceland trip.

Don’t be afraid to rent a car and drive around. Drive in neighborhoods to see how / where the locals live.

How to find travel deals:

Groupon (package travel deals)

Next Vacay

Google Flights

Scott's Cheap Flights 

Flight Hub


Just go!

Packing tips:

Think ahead to what you might want to buy. Will you ship things home or take an empty or partially-empty bag? Stuff a duffle bag into your suitcase just in case!

Think ahead if you will have laundry services or not.

Comfort over cute! ;)

Condense! Take a pair of shoes that you can wear with multiple outfits.

Wear things more than once. Just bring enough underwear. :)

If traveling with others, think about doing fun little gifts for your travel mates (luggage tags, shirts, swag bag, etc.).





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Podcast Show Notes