podcast show notes | episode 021 | the power of "no"

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

Why is it so difficult to say no? It shouldn't be so taboo or always a negative thing! We are talking all about that two letter word. We share our experiences with saying no, talk about the value of saying no, and discuss what things to possibly say no to. Join the conversation and be inspired by this simple word and understand the positive power of "no" when used intentionally in your life.

pinners conference

Episode 21 is sponsored by Pinners Conference, a super fun event that combines classes, taught by talented presenters, and shopping galore on a showroom floor packed with exhibitors who sell everything from crafts to the latest in beauty and fashion. It's like walking through a real-life Pinterest app! Both Beckys will be at the first Pinners of 2019 -- March 8-9 in Ontario, California. They are teaching a class ("Cultivate a Good Life and Organize It") and will be roaming the show floor. Come take their class or just say hi! 


Visit their website: Pinners Conference

Follow on Instagram: @pinnersconf

Find them on Facebook

Enter BECKY10 to get 10% off any tickets -- general admission, classes, or even VIP passes! (The code works for any show location.)

show notes

This episode is a great follow up to Episode 015 entitled "Weed the Garden." Listen to it here.

Questions to ask yourself:

Why has it been difficult for you to say no when you've really wanted to say no?

When you have been in your "yes phases" and you've said yes to everything, how did it serve you and/or your family, and what were the natural consequences?

When you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else.

Listen to Jody Moore's Better Than Happy podcast episode 063, "How to Say No."

When you say yes to everything even if you don’t want to, then you are going to start living a life that is no longer your own.

Fears that keep us from saying no...

  • fear of disappointing someone

  • fear of offending others

  • fear of how we might be perceived

  • fear of missing out

If we are saying yes to something because of some sort of fear (like the ones mentioned above), pause and ask yourself why you are saying yes. If it's for a fear-based reason, the answer should probably be no. That, friends, is the power of no with intention.

Questions to ask yourself that might help you decide when to say yes or no:

  1. How does this opportunity affect my personal well-being (physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, etc.)?

  2. How does this opportunity affect my family?

  3. Does this help me or someone else in a meaningful way?

It's okay. Own the "no." It really is okay.

Stop what you're doing and read or listen to Essentialism by Greg McKeown.




Email us. We’d love your feedback! podcast@beckyhiggins.com.

Spread the word! We would be so grateful if you shared about our podcast with your friends. Post on social media, text a buddy, whatever floats your boat. And leaving a review on iTunes would just make you our favorite.

Podcast Show Notes