podcast show notes | episode 020 | q&a with becky squared

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

Everything you wanted to know about Becky Higgins and Becky Proudfit is what episode 20 is all about! We are certainly not holding back in this very open, very honest Q&A session with the Beckys. We candidly answer random but thoughtful questions from our listeners — covering topics like our favorite vacation spots, family routines, how we make money with the podcast, parenting strategies, personal habits, appreciating the small moments in life, and so much more.


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show notes

What are your families' morning and evening routines that foster family bonding?

  • fold clothes together

  • eat meals together

  • read / listen to scriptures together

  • pray together

  • tuck kids into bed

How does the new home-center church-supported curriculum look in your family?

Find out more about the curriculum they talked about here

Do what works for your family! All piled on Mom and Dad’s bed, all gathered around the table and surrounding a plate of nachos, or just sitting in the family room talking about it…it doesn’t matter!

Don’t have an image in your mind of what it should look like or sound like or feel like because that’s when you run into trouble. Just take the time to try some things out and see what’s working.

How do you keep your kids busy in the summer?

  • swim team

  • travel

  • chill

  • chores (below is the chore chart BP uses in her family)


What do you do to develop your kids’ interests and how does it change as they get older? Do you try to guide their interests?

How do you pull your kids out of a pouty attitude?

Reminding our kids that they have full control over their thoughts, which then affect their emotions, which then affect their actions is incredibly powerful.

How do podcasts work? Do you make money? How is it earned? Is it from sponsors?

What time do you go to bed and what time do you wake up?

How does BP stop her eye makeup from moving from her eyelids to underneath her eyes during the course of the day?

Mac Eye Makeup

BP's eyelash girl 

BH's favorite mascara

How is it that you became such solid friends and now you’re doing a podcast together?

What will BH’s next course be about?

What would BP like to teach people who haven’t experienced cancer yet based on your experience with it?

Early detection! Get your annual tests and screenings!

Don’t shy away from the connections that cancer can create.

After you graduated from college, were you 100% confident in what you wanted to do and where you wanted to be? Or did you feel a little unsure and unprepared?

Has BP always been this open and willing to share? What are your secrets to being vulnerable?

What is your favorite family vacation?

You both seem really accomplished and self-disciplined. What is a bad habit or weakness that you were able to change or overcome and how did you do it? Or in other words, what is a change you have made in your life that has had a big impact?




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Podcast Show Notes