podcast show notes | episode 018 | the story of bh

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

Our company is coming up on 10 years! It's been a decade of high and lows and all the in-betweens, and in this episode, Becky (Higgins) dishes the whole backstory of BH and how it has unfolded over the last 10 years. Woven throughout the story you'll hear 10 solid tips for business (and life!) that she has learned along the way.

Direct link to this episode on iTunes.

latter-day teen

Episode 18 is sponsored by Latter-day Teen, a beautiful print magazine that was created to help young men and young women connect in an intentional way, to talk about how they are shining, and to give them more tools to live an intentional Christian life every day. Subscribe today!


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show notes

Below are 10 lessons Becky has learned from the evolution of BH. Even if you don't have a business, these lessons can apply to so many areas in life!

10 Lessons in Business & Life

(Bonus) LESSON #0  — "If you're ever thinking about the possibility that maybe you or your child for that matter might one day start a company, just get the URL . . . right now!" --BH

LESSON #1 — Pay attention to your passions + gifts + talents + what really matters to you.

LESSON #2 — Transparency and vulnerability are important to increase loyalty.

LESSON #3 — Identify a problem and create a solution. 

LESSON #4 — Pray about work. Pray about pursuits. Just pray. Pray about all of it. 

"Create bigger than what you think it may be because oftentimes, we are so much more capable than we think."

LESSON #5 — First things first.  

LESSON #6 — Be willing to get help. Landscapers. Housecleaners. Help with kids, etc. Take an honest look at what you’re doing that someone else can do to offset the burden so you can focus on what you do best. Get over the guilt. Embrace this as a part of your story. It takes a village. Let other people be part of your story!

LESSON #7 — Pay very, very close attention to your gut feelings. Call it what you want (intuition, the Spirit, promptings, God trying to talk to you, whatever), but pay attention to it.

LESSON #8 — When you ARE in the thick of a challenge, stay faithful. Stay prayerful. Pray for those who may be causing harm or hurt or offense. Listen to BP's recent trial here and how she also stayed faithful during a completely different but still difficult challenge in her life. 

"You can focus on the good or you can focus on the bad . . . And your brain will support whatever you're thinking -- your brain is going to look for evidence to support that."

LESSON #9 — Stay true to YOU. Don’t let others push you into doing something that isn’t true to what you feel is your place.

LESSON #10 — If you don’t evolve, you die.

“All businesses must change, adapt, and reinvent themselves if they want to thrive long term.”

Pictures of "Project 365".

This was a foundational product Becky created before starting a company and launching Project Life®.





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Podcast Show Notes