good life with kelsey gauthier


Cultivating a good life means getting out of town.

“Travel helps us celebrate differences and overcome misunderstandings - big and little - between people.” -Rick Steves

Traveling can be much more than just a vacation from work or from home. Whether it’s an hour away or around the world, getting out of your own bubble allows for rest, new experiences, growth, and understanding. According to travel guru Rick Steves, “When you travel, you become a better citizen of the planet. It’s not us versus them. It’s about how we are going to handle this together, get the most out of our lives, tolerate each other, celebrate our differences, and put ourselves in the mindset where we’re more likely to build bridges and less likely to build walls.”

In my early adulthood, I caught the travel bug. My soul is not fulfilled if I’m not getting out of my little world continuously. After hearing stories from my grandmother and her native England, I knew I always wanted to go there. Ten years ago, I made my first trip to Europe. England was much more than what I had hoped for, in a magical, second-home sort of way. I had found the place I would always wish to be, a self-proclaimed Anglophile (a person who is fond of or greatly admires England or Britain).

I’ve been blessed to return to England three more times, with a fourth visit scheduled later this year. What I have learned is that there is nothing wrong with returning to the same place time after time. While the love affair grows, it’s never the same experience. As we age, our perspective changes, and therefore, our travel takes on different flavors in life. My first time in England was all about different currency, landmarks, and souvenirs. It has now evolved into culture, ancestry, and a connection to my late grandmother who also adored the Royal Family, fine bone china, and tradition.

Rick Steves says it best again: “Travel is rich with learning opportunities, and the ultimate souvenir is a broader perspective.” Go forth, take a break from daily life, and get that broader perspective for yourself and for your family. The world awaits.

Kelsey is a member of our Creative Team using the Project Life® App. She currently resides in Montana and her family consists of her husband Nick, their beagle Addie, and their parents and younger siblings, nearly all who live within a few miles of them!

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Good Life