good life with bob joy


Part of cultivating a good life is recognizing the hand of our Lord and Savior in all that happens in life.

My wife and I are not quite at the stage of our lives where we have the luxury of hiding our own eggs, then waiting an hour and truly being surprised when and if we find one! But nearly.

We have lived long enough to see the hand of our Lord and Savior in all that happens. It’s not all great and wonderful -- sometimes we have to search for the blessings in the events in our life. Of one thing I am certain: the greatest gift that was ever bestowed on mankind was the “Plan of Happiness” that was put into play in the Garden of Eden, allowing us to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ if we would only partake of the atoning sacrifice of the Savior in Gethsemane.  He suffered all things for us. We must only choose to repent and accept the blessings available to us by taking upon us His name and keeping His commandments. We also will be raised up and conquer death as Christ did on the third day.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to forsake the sins of man. Then, by enduring to the end in our faith in Christ, we will be greeted by The Father and His Son as they welcome us home.

May we all appreciate the wonderful gift from Him who came here willing to pay the price to redeem all who come to earth and seek after Him.

Happy Easter!

a note from becky

Bob Joy is Wendy's father. (Wendy handles our Project Life® App customer service.) If you know anything about Wendy, you know she has a heart of gold. Like, for real. She's as good as humans can get. And when you meet her parents, you're like ... Oh yeah. I see where she gets it.  ; )  For real, I love her parents. I am so grateful that Bob shared a piece of his heart and his testimony of the Savior on this day -- Easter. I recognize that people of many faiths and religious backgrounds are reading this. I recognize that not everyone is a "believer." For those of you who might share our faith in Jesus Christ, may we each take the time to think about our own faith in the Lord and may we turn to Him in all that we do.

Good Life