good life with julie gagen


Part of cultivating a good life is truly believing that whatever you put out into the world is what you will receive back. And I’m dedicating this holiday season to making good on that truth.

You see, for nearly five years my family was on the receiving end of a lot of giving. We experienced hardships of all forms. It was inconveniently packaged into a time in our lives that could have been filled worrying about what parenting trends we were following, how organic my son’s diet was, and where to shop for the best deals on clothes. Instead, we were barely making it through each day. It was mostly emotional stress in our family, seasoned with financial stress, career loss, health issues, and the loss of two pets.

Sometimes when life goes sideways, it just keeps going.

Had it not been for the tremendous support from our community: friends, family, friends of family members, neighbors, coworkers, and people we barely knew, we would have had a much harder time. Truly, the kindness of others comes through when you most need it, and I have an incredible amount of respect and appreciation for each and every person who showed up, gave us hot meals and hand-me-downs, invited us out of the house, asked questions, had conversations, connected us with resources, and supported us when we needed it.

And so, it is with a joyful and willing heart that I can write this today: it is time for me to give back.

And I am.

Give to Others

I am giving with the purchases that I make. This fall I became an ambassador for Noonday Collection and I truly, TRULY could not be happier with that decision. It has made me bolder, more confident, and more conscientious. It has opened my eyes to what it means to purchase with consideration for the PEOPLE who make the things we bring into our lives. Every single time I have the chance to tell the story of artisans who handcraft our jewelry, I feel a tremendous sense of pride. It is a rare and joyful moment that I feel truly good about the many things we have in our home. And THIS, friend, this brings me so much JOY. So I give. And I share their stories. And I give again.

I am giving the gift of support to two friends. This year I made a commitment to give as much as I can to two friends who both need it and absolutely deserve it. They are beautiful women who are truly kind and giving and worth every ounce of support this world has to offer. Honestly, if I could fund their missions myself, I would joyfully send them out into the world and allow them the chance to make a meaningful difference without ever having to ask for another cent. Since that is not within my means, I committed to spearheading their fundraisers.

The first is for a friend who is volunteering her expertise to a job training program in East Africa. She is a LIGHT in this world and truly inspires every person she meets. She is just 18 and ready to take on the world in the best possible way. And she will. Because she’s AMAZING.

The second is for a friend who, after years of ups and downs with infertility, is adopting a child. She is such a kind and generous and loving person, with such an open heart, with such unwavering faith, that I want so much for her to find her baby. To hug and love him and smother him with kisses. And if I can be a part of that, well, that would be amazing.

Friends, they are both incredible women who deserve all the good that comes their way. Helping them lights my heart. And I give it, fully, over and over again to their cause.

Give to My Family

I am giving the gift of time to my family. This year my husband, son (5), and daughter (1) are getting the gift of conscious, considered time from me. In a life that is so crazily busy, I know what they crave most is attention. Every time my son asks for more (and, truly, at five it is constant), I say “yes” or “yes, first chance we get” or “yes, but only for a few minutes.” There is no more “no,” no more “I don’t have time,” no more casting aside this loving request that I know will be gone in a short time.

And in the short time that I have put this practice into place, it has been nothing short of perfect.

My son and I are making “a book” of his watercolor paintings. My daughter is content helping me around the house. My husband smiled SO BIG yesterday that I knew this change was needed. And so I will continue to give my time and attention for each of them.

Give to Grace

I am giving in to grace in every moment this season. There is something about winter that brings me back into myself. As the days grow shorter, darker, and colder, I dive deeper into my faith and hold tight to it. It is the anchor when this season wears heavy on my soul. I am making a point to get out of the house, to say YES to events, to stay connected to my community, to meet my friends at MOPS, to go to playdates, to set up playdates, to read, write, and practice gratitude. I am giving in to faith in the smallest acts of kindness. To get attuned to the world around me so that I am able to notice the synchronicities of life. To be open. And to listen. And so I give in to what will come. And I have faith it will be so good.

Give to Myself

Lastly, and most importantly, I give to myself. I am choosing to be indulgent in my own needs and wants, as long as they can be met and bring me joy. As a mom, I give to others from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. And while I know I cannot pour from an empty glass, it can feel impossible to have time left for me. And so, this season, I choose to keep my cup full. And when it feels empty, I consider where I am and what I can do to get closer to where I need to be. Sometimes that means turning up the heat 2 degrees. Sometimes that means drinking a tea. Sometimes it means sleep. Sometimes it means staying up late and documenting our latest family adventure. I give in to these wants because they make me a better mom, a better partner, and a better person.

And, so, this season, I GIVE.

a note from becky

Once upon a time Julie was a part of our Creative Team and you know what that means? It means she's forever a part of the Project Life® family, and we are so grateful for the way she continues to share her love for documenting life. I am particularly inspired by Julie's message and so glad we can be "insta-friends" since we can't be real-life neighbors.  ; )

Connect with Julie :: Instagram

Good Life