good life with brooke gazarek

Part of cultivating a good life is actively smiling.

Smiling is contagious! It brightens the day for you and others. Smiling lets others know you care – that you're friendly and approachable.

I’m not out-and-about all the time because I have worked in a home office as a freelance graphic designer for 18 years. Most of the time I’m home alone with the exception of our dog, Rickie. I truly love what I do. I work with lots of people, yet I never see them and very rarely talk to them. I want the people I work with (my main client is a not-for-profit, faith-based system of hospitals and healthcare providers located in Ohio) to know how appreciative I am of the work I receive and that I’m happy designing and/or making edits, etc.

To try and show this across comments, messages, and posts through our internet work platform, I type sideways smiley faces :) and, even though tiny, I use a profile pic of myself smiling. No one can see I’m smiling while working. But there I am, all alone smiling! I’m smiling because I’m happy and I’m hoping it comes across.

When I am out-and-about, I want to be approachable to others. To be friendly and helpful. Do I smile ALL the time? No. I’m actually a pretty serious person -- so sometimes I get very focused and the concentration face shows up. My husband helps me to get out of my serious side best by doing something or saying something that makes me smile and laugh. He’s a keeper for sure. ;)

That simple upward curve of your mouth just might be what someone else needs. Smile at someone today!

Brooke Gazarek is a part of the Creative Team using the Digital products. Brooke currently resides in Ohio with her husband Brian, two teenage sons, Luke and Brady, and a golden-doodle dog, Rickie.

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Good Life