podcast show notes | episode 043 | q&a with becky squared -- round 3

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

043: Q&A With Becky Squared -- Round 3

Here we go again! Back for round three, we are answering more of your questions! In this episode, we focus on questions regarding all things documenting and memory keeping. So listen in to learn something that will up your documenting game.

sponsor: photo tips and workflow class

Join BH in her Photo Tips and Workflow class where you will learn easy tips and tricks to improve the photos you take on your iPhone. You won't believe some of the things you never knew your phone's camera could do!

Check out this class here and sign up today! Be sure to enter BECKY10 to get $10 off your seat in her class!

show notes

Here are the questions we addressed in this Q&A episode:

1) Wondering if you are doing anything with Project Life anymore or are you leaving that behind for other pursuits?

Find physical Project Life® here.

Find Digital Project Life here.

Find the Project Life App here.

2) Do you have any advice on what to do with all the iPhone videos we take?

3) As someone who has been away from scrapbooking for a few years and is coming back with a pile of photos (and a kid who has never been featured in a scrapbook!), I'd love ideas for getting the last few years of photos into scrapbooks quickly and easily. But not digital...I'm a paper girl!

Easily find Project Life products here.

4) My 83-year-old grandma and I are working together to gather genealogy documents, pictures, old letters, and stories she remembers. I would love you hear your thoughts about putting all of these things together into a scrapbook to pass on to future generations and others in the family.

5) I feel kind of overwhelmed with getting started. I have all of my grandma’s family pictures. Where do I start? How do I start?

6) What do you do with your finished scrapbooks? Are they displayed where anyone can pick them up or are they put away in a room somewhere? I can’t decide what to do with all of mine!

Here's the scanner Becky uses.

7) I'm curious to know if you'll be getting into the planner market at all? That's where all of my creative energy has been going for the last few years, I confess!

8) Do you plan to do a class for kids' books still? What kinds of things did you put into their 1-5 books?

This blog post might help!

9) Can you talk about how you separate family album stuff with kid specific albums stuff so they don’t overlap?

Get the envelope pages here.




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Podcast Show Notes