podcast show notes | episode 029 | finding joy in the messy & imperfect life with melanie burk

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff.

episode description

In Episode 029, we are joined by Melanie Burk, mom to 5 kids and a graphic designer / entrepreneur. In a sweet and authentic conversation, Melanie teaches how we can create joy in a messy and imperfect life. She exposes what keeps us from finding joy and suggests how we can get past those stumbling blocks to create a life we love.

spotted owl avenue

Episode 029 is sponsored by Spotted Owl Avenue. We LOVE their letter ledges! They look amazing and can be a statement piece in your home as you display words and phrases to uplift and empower all who see them. They now have a new mini letter ledge which is 12" long. It's the cutest!   


Visit their Etsy shop to see all their cute products and be sure to enter BECKY10 at checkout to get 10% off your purchase.

Check them out on Instagram!

show notes

Five things that can be a stumbling block to our joy:

1. Perfectionism. Here is the episode where Jody Moore coaches BH through her own issue of perfectionism.

2. Expecting too much of ourselves (and others).

Don't tie your self-worth to how many things you check off your to-do list.

3. Being rushed.

If we are so rushed to accomplish, to meet our expectations, we are missing that ability to find joy because joy is in the process. The happiest people in the world are those who know how to savor.

Check out this article about savoring moments.

4. Not owning your own story.

Our flaws are exactly what can help to truly connect us to each other.

5. Getting worth from accomplishments.Find joy in the mess!Connect with Melanie here or here.




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Podcast Show Notes