podcast show notes | episode 014 | food is a love language

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff. Also, these notes show up in the order that they came up during the show.

episode description

Raise your hand if you love food! Our discussion with Kari Holt is fun AND inspiring as we talk about ways to share food as an expression of love and friendship. We talk about 5 main things to consider that help you along in sharing this love language.

Link to this podcast episode: Episode 014

Mission Belt


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show notes

For this episode, we invited the one and only Kari Holt (our Product Manager) to talk with us about the joy that baking and cooking for others brings to her, and, of course, to them as well. She learned to love baking from her mom. She grew up in a home with so many fond memories surrounding food -- particularly baked goods.

Kari has been blissfully married to her husband Steve for 21 years and they have 4 children ranging in ages between 11 and nearly 20.


These are the main points we covered in the show.

 Keep in mind that all of these are expanded upon in the episode. This is just a refresher to remind you of

some things because there was so much covered.

“One of the greatest gifts you can give to people is to cook for them.” - Ina Garten

When we share it with people, they feel love.

Cooking a meal is an act of service. Any act of service is an act of love.

Even our youngest kids understand that love can be felt and given through food.

Things that Kari invites us to consider:

1. Find a few go-to recipes that you make really well and “perfect” them. I love to try lots of recipes, but I have a few that I know will be a home run every time I make them - they are the ones that get rave reviews and that people ask for. Find what those recipes are for you, take the time to really practice and perfect them, and share the heck out of them!!


2. When you take the time to bake something, double the batch and share!! It’s often just as easy to make a double (or triple) batch as it is a single batch, so make extra and share with anyone who comes to mind. Most cookie dough can also be made and frozen so you can make cookies in a flash or you can share “frozen” cookies with people so they can bake them on demand and enjoy them hot out of the oven.

3. Think about packaging! It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but having some cute bags or plastic containers and note cards on hand can go a long way. If you’re baking loaves or something like that, use disposable foil pans so there are no pans to return. Don’t let “I don’t have pretty packaging” stop you from sharing, but keeping things like that on hand makes is accessible.

4. Be aware of food allergies. I’m not suggesting that everything you share has to meet all of the gluten, sugar, or dairy-free requirements that some require, but if you are wanting to make treats for someone that you know requires a gluten-free diet, try to find something you can make (or even buy if you’re not comfortable making) that they can actually enjoy. I had a friend with Celiac tell me that rice krispie treats, macarons, or Reese’s PB cups are things she loves and can eat without issue, so I have a short list of go-to items that I know will be a hit with her.

5. Know that ANYTHING you make and share with love will be so gratefully received. I can guarantee that every baked good or meal that I have shared with other people has NOT been a total winner, but the blessings of service - to both the giver and receiver - are unmatched. Remember that whole “selfish” part of my sharing? Yeah - it’s those feelings that make me want to bake and share :) That’s part of the reason I bring food to my seminary students every Friday - I know they love it and it helps to remind them how much I LOVE them. Never suppress a generous thought.


6. Involve your family - help your kids realize that others might need someone to reach out to them. Let them help and take things to friends/acquaintances.

Links discussed in the podcast:

Betty Crocker Cooky Book

Ham and Swiss Sliders (Funeral Sandwiches)

Paprika App

Levain Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe - A Bountiful Kitchen

Food Nanny - Red and White Pasta

Liege Waffles

Pretzel Hugs

Wrap gifts with Stone Wrap

Cellophane Bags and Labels

Erin Trimble: Makes treats at her house one afternoon each week. Instagram account is Motherhood Magnified

Alisa: Arizona-based caterer: a.sas.needler@gmail.com

Jana: Arizona-based baker who sells through Instagram: Buggaboo Bakery




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Podcast Show Notes