podcast show notes | episode 011 | overcoming discouragement

This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff. Also, these notes show up in the order that they came up during the show.

episode description

Discouragement is an inevitable part of life … but there ARE ways to climb out. Our dear friend and special guest, Amanda Taylor, spent a good 6+ years in a place of unhappiness, even though she really seemed to “have it all.” Anxiety, depression, feelings of failure and defeat, plus other heavy burdens, felt crippling and debilitating. Amanda shares how she successfully worked through — and how she *continues* to work though — those internal issues. No matter what kind of discouragement you’re feeling, you are sure to benefit from hearing about her experiences and glean from her advice.

We invite you to be a part of this incredible community by following us on Instagram — @CultivateAGoodLife. Oh, and pretty please leave us a review on iTunes; it would mean the WORLD to us! Plus, we randomly pick listeners who do leave reviews, to win awesome stuff.

Link to this episode on iTunes: Episode 011



We are so grateful for this episode's sponsor -- MyHeritage.com!

MyHeritage.com is the most global genealogy website, translated into 42 languages, with 98 million users worldwide. Other than having advanced family tree building tools and sophisticated matching technologies, it also has 9.3 billion historical records from all over the world. The magic happens when you start building your family tree, and after adding enough people and information to your tree, you start getting tons of discoveries which are a result of matching the people and information on your family tree with the huge MyHeritage database of people and records.

This week we talked about the Family Discovery Kit. We partnered with them to design this kit with everything you need to discover and preserve your family history. In addition to the DNA test, you will also get a Project Life® Photo Album and Card Kit, plus two candles. This will make the perfect gift for anyone who loves family history or who may want to discover that whole world. You can get everything for just $119, which is 40% off of the normal price of $199. Remember this is a limited edition, so act fast! Find the Family Discovery Kit here -- and be sure to watch my video there to better understand the contents of this kit.

Follow them on Facebook: MyHeritage

Visit their website: MyHeritage.com

show notes


For this episode we invited guest Amanda Taylor who has experienced depression and anxiety throughout her life. She currently resides in Kaysville, Utah with her husband Justin and their 4 beautiful kids: Mary, Scott, James, and Eliza. She graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in English Literature. She loves to travel and also connect with other women about the struggles of motherhood.  If you would like to connect with her, you can find her on Instagram or you can email us --podcast@beckyhiggins.com -- and we'll forward your messages to her.

These are the main points we covered in the show.

 Keep in mind that all of these are expanded upon in the episode. This is just a refresher to remind you of some things because there was so much covered.

“Depression is discouraging.”

Amanda suffered through 6+ years of depression and anxiety through each pregnancy and postpartum, etc. It was a really dark time for her. She felt like a failure and her prayers more often than not were, “Please just help me stay afloat.”

COULDA, WOULDA, SHOULDA. What does Amanda feel she could have done differently?

  • She was too hard on herself.

  • More self care- mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  • She should have been more patient with herself.

  • She could have checked in with friends and loved ones more often instead of wallowing in her own sorrows of feeling afraid and ashamed and wanting to hide from everything and everyone.

LIFE CHANGING TALK that Amanda referred to is Happiness is Our Heritage by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Her biggest takeaway is that the power to be happy is within you!

“I can do something to change my personal state of happiness.”


ONE: CREATE! All human beings are innately creative. To create something means to bring something into existence that didn’t exist before. Examples: Create a habit of prayer, create and beautify a space, create an action plan to accomplish a goal, learn a new skill, etc.

TWO: HAVE COMPASSION. Compassion for others and compassion for yourself. When you lift another’s burden, you can’t help but have your own burdens lifted as well.


For a full 24-hour period, make a conscious decision that you won’t apologize for anything. Stop yourself as soon as you want to apologize for something or make an excuse or justify or downplay your efforts or any of that self-deprecating talk (to yourself or to someone else). Instead, make a list of all the positives in your life.

“What you water, grows.”

Becky Higgins referenced Brené Brown's book, The Power of Vulnerability.

Quote from Elizabeth Gilbert:

“The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because stuff worked out. They got that way because stuff went wrong and they handled it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it. Those women are my super heroes.”

Amanda referenced the FlyLady. The idea? Have a clean kitchen sink and lace up. 

REMEMBER: If you have a trial in your life, it doesn’t make you a failure.


These are some small things you can do right now if you're not sure where to start to be in a better place -- mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. 

  • Start eating healthy

    1. Get some exercise

    2. Increase personal spiritual habits

    3. Be proactive about making some friendships & connections

    4. Get outside and get fresh air





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Podcast Show Notes