podcast show notes | episode 001 | welcome to our tribe!


This blog post serves as SHOW NOTES for our podcast -- Cultivate a Good Life. This is not a comprehensive outline of everything discussed in this specific episode. The notes, links, and tips below are just some of what was mentioned. Everything we're highlighting here will certainly make so much more sense when you've listened to this episode. If you haven't already listened, you definitely should. And you should also just go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff. Also, these notes show up in the order that they came up during the show.

episode description

In this epic first episode of a brand-new podcast that you never knew you always wanted … we (Becky Squared) introduce ourselves, share the background story to how this podcast came to be, what we hope it will mean for you, and our WHY. We also share 4 solid ways to cultivate YOUR tribe.Be sure to join OUR tribe and be a part of this incredible community by following us on Instagram — @CultivateAGoodLife. Oh, and pretty please leave us a review on iTunes; it would mean the WORLD to us! Plus, we randomly pick listeners who do leave reviews, to win awesome stuff.

Link to this episode: BeckyHiggins.com/Podcast

our best bites

We are so grateful for the very first sponsor of the very first episode of our brand-new podcast -- Our Best Bites!


PICTURED: This is a page from their incredible Simplified Dinner meal plan.

Follow them on instagram: @sara_ourbestbites

Visit their website: EatMealsTogether.com/Becky

Using that specific link will give you an automatic $10 off the meal plan!

show notes

Project Life® explanation.

This video gives an overview of what Project Life is and how it works.

Pictures of Becky Squared during our relatively short friendship so far.


ABOVE: Adventuring inside an Icelandic glacier earlier this year.


ABOVE: Along with our husbands and some other friends, we explored all over Iceland together, in the spring of 2018. If you're interested, you can catch that blog post that reviews where we went and what we did.


WORTH MENTIONING. We are both members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While this was not mentioned in this introductory episode, you will hear us mention things like God, faith, prayer, etc. in our dialogue from time to time. Our Christian views and beliefs are deeply rooted in our individual lives and since we are talking about cultivating a good life in every single episode ... well, we're never going to hide our faith when it's very much a part of who we are. That said, this podcast is for EVERYone, regardless of your age or religion or stage of life. We do not use religious lingo. We simply try to live Christ-centered lives, and so there will be little nuggets of our faith that shine through once in a while because we just can't help it.  ; )


THIS IS FOR YOU! Dear listeners, we are here to serve you! Our mission is to inspire you and share insights and tips and experiences that will give you a boost in life. Some episodes will be jam-packed with super practical takeaways. Some episodes will be more about story-telling (keep the tissues handy). And some episodes will be downright fantastic conversations that will make you feel like you're sitting around with us on the couch. Through it all, we're having a blast -- and we want you to be in on the fun WITH us!

Definition of "kismet".(kiz’met): fate, destiny

Date night lightening picture from the night that I broached the idea of doing a podcast with Becky while on a double date with our husbands in July 2018.


My husband David as a child on Christmas morning, holding a couple gifts that he likely already knew about because of his shenanigans that Becky Proudfit mentioned.  ; )


Links to our Instagram accounts:


@Becky HigginsLLC


Upcoming LIVE events where you can find us! Everyone's invited!

  1. Oct. 23 from 10-12. It's our BH Birthday / Podcast Launch Party at SodaRush in Gilbert, AZ! My team will be there, too!

  2. Nov. 9-10 is the Pinners Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. We'll have a booth there for selling merchandise and visiting with anyone that comes by, and I'll also be teaching a couple classes.

  3. Nov. 27 from 2-7 pm is our BH Favorite Things Fall Boutique at our headquarters in Peoria, AZ.

4 main tips for cultivating YOUR tribe:

  1. Let your freak flag fly! (credit: Michael Goodman)

  2. Live more openly. (This is a link to my Instagram stories about meeting Ruth on a recent hike.)

  3. Stop taking things so personally. (This is a link to the Instagram post where I asked about this and got a ton of feedback.)

  4. Embrace others for who they are.

Share about the podcast! Here are a few graphics to choose from. Pick your favorite, save it to your phone, post it on your social media, be sure to tag @CultivateAGoodLife IN the photo (that's how we'll see it) ... and we'll randomly select some of you to receive some merchandise!!

bhpodcast_101118_forlisteners_socialshare3 (1).jpg

Email us. If you have ideas for topics to cover, let's hear it. Want to share your favorite thing you're loving about the podcast so far? We'd be tickled pink to hear from you. Have a collaborative idea? Cool! podcast@beckyhiggins.com

Becky Proudfit's favorite recipe from Our Best Bites:Thai Peanut Noodle Salad.

Better Than Happy podcast by Jody Moore. Find it here on iTunes.

Podcast Show Notes