good life with alyson hall


Part of cultivating a good life is being the very best mother you can be. Notice I did NOT say being the perfect mother.

There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice is different and unique for each mother and each family.

In this world of comparison, I, like so many others, feel the pressures of being a mother. Of being June Cleaver or Martha Stewart. The constant thoughts of needing to have it all together, all of the time. As I am getting older and raising my 5 children, I am realizing that being the perfect mother is just an illusion. There is so much responsibility that comes with the stewardship of raising little humans. So many hopes and dreams and fears all wrapped up together. There are so many stages of motherhood as well, which each bring their own joys and challenges. In our hearts we all want to give our children the world. To shelter them from it sometimes too.

I am trying every day. Trying is the key. Not one of us is perfect. We are all in the business of trying. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that it is ok to have some off days. We are truly all in this together. We are all going through the struggles and hard days. That is the beauty of it. I can falter and grow and learn right alongside my children. I can show them that life doesn’t always go as planned. And that is ok. I can show them how to deal with hurt and hard things by example. I can teach them that attitude is everything. I can show them that it is ok to have fun and enjoy life. I can take it one moment at a time. By living the best life I know how, including the times when I am down or struggling, they will hopefully learn to do the same. To know that they don’t have to be perfect and have it all together all of the time. That is normal and wonderful.

There is such an unimaginable love that comes with being a mother or a parent. I know the only way to truly love my children and to be the best mother I can, is to seek help from our Heavenly Father. He knows what it is like everyday, in the trenches of life. He is there and will help me be strong enough to keep going and to keep trying. Enjoying the stages we are in is definitely the goal. To soak in the moments and memories that are being made. To live life to the fullest, including the hard and the wonderful. To know that we are enough, for ourselves and our families.

Alyson is part of our Creative Team using the digital product. She currently resides in Utah and her family now consists of her husband Casey and 5 crazy kids: three girls and two boys ranging from 3 to 14. They also currently have 6 horses, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 duck.

Connect with Alyson :: Instagram

Good Life