good life with nick sorensen


Part of cultivating a good life is letting music nourish your soul.

Music and I go way back. What started as a love-hate relationship — piano lessons as an eight year old is the equivalent of a DMV visit as an adult — soon blossomed into a fantastic friendship. For Christmas one year Santa brought me some tunes. I was given two cassette tapes -- yes, I am that old -- the first being Ace of Base’s hit single, “I Saw the Sign,” and the second was in the total opposite direction with the hit rap single, Warren G’s “Regulate.” These two pieces of music, classics in their own right and don’t you dare debate me on this, didn’t change my life. But they did ignite my passion for music and initiated my transition from music player to music listener.

I’ve never had musical talent. It’s just not in my family's DNA. And believe me, if you sat in front of or behind us in church — I’m truly sorry, you’d wholeheartedly agree. This means I can’t carry a tune even if the world demanded it, and I hardly have an ounce of rhythm in my body as my wife and most friends have generously pointed out to me throughout my life. BUT, when I understood that I didn’t have to play music to have it bless my life, that’s when it changed for me.

If I take a close inspection of my life, listening to music has always enriched my soul. In high school, hip-hop music was a refuge from the pains of math class and an escape from the trendy punk and pop bands that dominated the airwaves at the time. When I came home early from a church mission for health reasons, two bands helped ease my confusion and suffering. When I went to film school, film scores inspired and motivated me. When relationship after relationship ended poorly in my twenties, concerts with friends instilled in me joy and optimism about my life. When I was dating my wife, sharing playlists allowed us to bond over amazing songs.

On the day of our wedding, we had an incredibly talented pair of daughters from Houston come sing at our reception. When I’m trying to make a small impact in this crazy world with my filmmaking, choosing the right song and the right sound allows me to move people emotionally. When my wife and I needed a weekend sabbatical from the monotony of life, visiting a world famous music venue in Denver and hearing not one, but two of our favorite bands was just the right antidote.

Music has always been there for me.

And when we have children of our own, musical memories will be made. Songs and hymns will bless their lives as well. And if we’re lucky, they will inherit my better half’s musical prowess.In this information age we live in now, we’re confronted with talk radio, tutorials, endless podcast options, and a plethora of other alternatives. But nothing is as lasting as music. Music moves us. Music inspires us. Music allows us to see life differently.

I believe cultivating a good life through music has and will continue to enrich my life.

“I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign

Life is demanding without understanding

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign.”

a note from becky

How great is Nick, right?? We sure think so! Nick and his wife Claire live in our area and we met a few years ago. I was first aware of Nick's photography and videography talent and then learned that Claire had creative / visual talents too! Fast-forward side note about Claire: She's now handling our in-house photography and graphic design needs and we adore her! Back to Nick: We've worked together on a couple video projects now (check out this episode of Project Photo Rescue) and he's just incredible. Talented? Umm ... incredibly skilled in his crafts. YES! But also, he's just the nicest guy and a pleasure to hang out with and we're grateful to call him our friend.

Connect with Nick :: Website | Instagram

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