good life with emma pescott


Part of cultivating a good life is stepping outside your bubble. Do something that might push you physically, mentally, or emotionally.

I’ve always believed trying something new will make you grow as a person. Perhaps it’s applying for a new job, trying a new activity, posting something you’re proud of on social media, taking on a new challenge, or anything that pushes any of your boundaries. Whether it's something you do again or not -- that doesn’t really matter. The important thing is that you tried it. And maybe loved it or learned from it. But you have stepped outside that bubble, which in return makes your bubble bigger. Keep making it bigger.

We’ve just watched our daughter start school for the very first time. She seemed confident and raring to go. Had it been me starting school, it would have pushed me outside my bubble in every way. I’m sure she had a secret bubble, as starting a new school at five and not knowing a single other kid must be a little daunting, surely!?! I was nervous for her!

When we arrived at school, she did back up a little bit and I saw her bubble appear, but as mat time started, she started to relax, she put up her hand wanting to contribute an answer. I was so proud. She had taken a step and was already growing from it. She came home glowing, hungry to learn, eager to meet new friends. I could have never wished for a better start for her.

Funny enough, despite seeing her settling in, I felt nervous all day. I felt like I wanted to be there to help her, to keep her safe. And I know this was because I was struggling to emotionally step outside my bubble. I got there though, and wow did it feel good!

It made me realize as adults that we have learned to play it safe, learned to keep a bubble around us. By staying inside our bubble, less can go wrong. We have more control. But I think we should watch and learn from kids. They grow their bubbles without really knowing it; they are ready to take on the world.

Let's all step outside our bubble this week. Make it fun. Make your bubble grow. What will you do?

Emma Pescott is a part of the Creative Team using the physical product. She currently resides in New Zealand with her husband Chris, two daughters, Madison (5) and Chloe (3), and one very boisterous dog named Frank.

Connect with Emma :: Instagram | Pinterest

Good Life