8th birthday open house


Tomorrow is more than just Halloween. It's the last day of October ... which means that our annual month-long birthday celebration is coming to an end. Say it ain't so!*sigh*

Each year that we celebrate another year of the business is different. We shake things up every time, but it's always a party. This year, we decided to throw an actual ... PARTY! Like ... people + food + prizes + fun! Our open house at the office was one for the books (or, in this case ... the blog) ... and we're so grateful to the friends + family + customers who showed up to show support and celebrate with us! We're also thankful to SodaRush (a local food truck) and Bizzy Sewing (a local handmade clothing boutique) that added to the experience!

We hope that as you breeze through these pictures you'll feel like you got to be here with us too.

In our conference room we had sample albums -- Project Life® pages made with our physical app as well as digital and app pages that were printed + included in the albums. These were out for people to see in person. We also had some Stone Wrap out + a pair of scissors so those who had not yet experienced what it was like to slide a pair of scissors through that stuff, could finally have their ah-ha! moment. (And there were a lot of ah-ha! moments.)


Prizes all wrapped + pretty + ready to go home with lucky winners throughout the open house.


Not just friends + customers ... but even those a bit more "involved" with us, like Claire Troyer (wearing purple), who is a part of our Creative Team, came to the open house!


Oh, SodaRush. You kept everyone happy with your sweet treats.


Pictured below with Wendy (who does our app customer service) ... is her daughter Emmilyn who actually just left last week to serve a full-time church / service mission for 18 months in Billings, Montana.


So many stretchy pencil skirts ... so little time, right?? I'm pretty sure we all made purchases from Bizzy.


See that yellow striped skirt that Wendy's purchasing below? Yeah, sooo ... four of us got that one and we'll be wearing it at Pinners Conference in Utah this weekend!


Hugs. Lots + lots + lots of hugs.  : )


And chatting. So much chatting with so many people. We loved every bit of it.


And pictures. Because, hello -- yes. Lots of pictures.  : )


And even a little customer service ... answering questions and helping out however we could.


Our littlest prize winner will SURELY share these Simple Notebooks with his family.


Special thanks to this beautiful girl, Claire, who's handling our in-house design + photography needs and rocking it every. single. time. We love her and appreciate her snapping all these pictures during the open house so we can have these memories preserved and also available to share with you.


Oh PS! This open house was so much fun that we've decided to host a "Favorite Things Boutique" at our office on Tuesday, November 28 from 3 - 6 pm! If you're in Arizona, mark your calendar. More details will be shared soon.

Behind the Scenes